Terms & Conditions


All of our prices are in Aus­tralian dol­lars (AUD) and include GST (Aus­tralian goods and ser­vices tax). Prod­uct prices are reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed when price changes are received from our suppliers.

If you find a cheap­er adver­tised price some­where else, email or phone us with the details of the sup­pli­er togeth­er with prices of the prod­uct required and we will endeav­our to pro­vide you with a more com­pet­i­tive price.

Total costs of the goods or ser­vices offered includ­ing all appro­pri­ate shipping/​handling charges and taxes.

Where the total cost of the trans­ac­tion can­not be ascer­tained in advance you must include a state­ment to that effect and pro­vide a descrip­tion of the method that will be used to cal­cu­late it.


We deliv­er prod­ucts using [ship­ping com­pa­ny] for Aus­tralia and [ship­ping com­pa­ny] for inter­na­tion­al etc…

Ship­ping costs are …

We ship goods Aus­tralia wide and inter­na­tion­al­ly OR we ship goods Aus­tralia wide, how­ev­er at this time we do NOT accept inter­na­tion­al orders through our web­site, please con­tact us on +61 0000000 to inquire about a spe­cial order.

Orders are dis­patched with­in X busi­ness days. In the event that an ordered item is not avail­able or we are unable to ful­fil your order we will noti­fy you with­in X busi­ness days to arrange an agree­able alter­na­tive item, a back­o­rder or a full refund.

Ship­ping times are esti­mat­ed at between X‑X busi­ness days depend­ing on your loca­tion with­in Aus­tralia. For inter­na­tion­al deliv­ery, stan­dard deliv­ery time­frames are between X‑X busi­ness days.


Please choose care­ful­ly. We do not nor­mal­ly give refunds if you sim­ply change your mind or make a wrong deci­sion. You can choose between a refund, exchange or cred­it where goods are faulty, have been wrong­ly described, are dif­fer­ent to the prod­uct pur­chased on the web­site or don’t per­form as advertised.