Biodynamic Farm

We are exper­i­ment­ing with grow­ing bio­dy­nam­ic food to improve our community’s stan­dard of nutri­tion. Bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing is an old approach to farm­ing focus­ing on enhanc­ing soil fer­til­i­ty by nat­ur­al process­es. The one-acre site is known as The Patch. It is home to 20 dif­fer­ent vari­eties of fruit trees, and a range of rotat­ing crops and vegetables.

It is a spe­cial area that is not gen­er­al­ly open to the pub­lic, but vol­un­teers are welcome.

The Patch is pro­tect­ed by a quar­an­tine zone.

Pro­to­cols include restrict­ing con­t­a­m­i­na­tion by intro­duced pests, dis­eases and inva­sive plants. Weed seeds are not wel­come, so vehi­cles have to be checked before enter­ing this zone of the Wilder­ness Park.

Like­wise, any pathogens on pri­vate­ly grown pro­duce, and espe­cial­ly the fruit moth in Alice Springs cit­rus, are a threat.