
The land­scape and wildlife of Mt Zeil Wilder­ness Park are what makes this place so mag­i­cal. Our aim is to pre­serve this space so that you can enjoy it in its purest form, with­out light or noise pol­lu­tion. Where the native birds and ani­mals are free to explore the area and thrive in their nat­ur­al habi­tat; if you stay still and qui­et you’re sure to see them come to life around you.

Bird Watch­ing and Bush Walk­ing is a favourite activ­i­ty around here and you can’t beat the colours of an incred­i­ble out­back sun­rise or sun­set. Take a leisure­ly stroll down the creek bed to see what you uncov­er. Have a pic­nic under a bean tree, or fol­low some tracks to spot an elu­sive crit­ter in the scrub.